It's me!

I’m just laying down after the first session of the HPC Student Ministries leadership retreat, and my heart is truly full and overflowing tonight. I can’t begin to describe the excitement I have about the people that I not only work alongside every day but also get the privileged of calling my friends.

Brandon, Tabitha, Elton, Faith, Lawrence, Ben, Mark, Ashlyn, and Steve, you are the most incredible team I’ve ever gotten to work with. I couldn’t pick a better group, you guys are like family.
Jason Laird, Mike Haman, Jason Ryder, Brian, Fazha, Brad, Rob, Sarah, David, I don’t know where I’d be without people like this pouring into me and helping me grow.

There are so many people that inspire and influence my life on a daily basis just by being around them. Friends like JP, Matt Laborde, Brandon B., Jamie, Dustin Alise, Andrew, Dustin Anderson, Jordan, and Adam - having you all as a part of my life makes this Christian walk, and even just everyday life so much easier and more enjoyable.

I know there are so many more that I’m not thinking of right now, but it’s late, so sweat me. I love you guys, I couldn’t find a better group of people if i tried.

Contact Josh Mastodon